24 November 2011

so thankful

i wanted to write a big long thankfulness blog for today, with lots of heartwarming pictures. but, my SD card on my camera is acting up, and it won't let me upload anything. and i can't remember all the happy crappy thankfulness stuff i was going to write about before. and maybe it was meant to be, because the truth is, this is not an easy time for my family. we are extremely limited in what we can do. some of the people i love are sick. i wasn't able to go to my aunt's thanksgiving dinner like i normally would. but i did make a rockin' turkey dinner for me and billy and aaron, and rowan got to eat his first jar of baby-food turkey dinner. i got to see my dad and my sister, who are both doing well. and considering last year on this day i woke up 21 weeks pregnant in a pool of my own blood, on my 6th week of bedrest, just praying like hell to make it to 24 weeks (babies born before that gestational age are usually not resuscitated), it's pretty easy for me to say i'm thankful. i'm thankful for my ability to get out of bed and make dinner. i'm thankful to be able to clean my own house. i'm thankful to be able to walk my dog. i'm thankful for my family. and i'm so thankful for my sweet baby boy. happy thanksgiving. love, erin

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